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The Planet Zero

Launch : August 2011

Client : NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. / Agency : ENJIN Inc. / Charactor Design : dwarf inc. / Sound : Otograph

Plug-boy is always running after the mouse cursor. Because maybe he is in love with it, or maybe he is just doing his job.

The Planet Zero is the interactive 3D microsite of Nissan. This game-style website is made for users to learn the future of the zero-emission society which Nissan aims for by exploring the planet where characters of dwarf.inc live.

I designed it for users to find a pleasure from making characters move. This is not a game, this is not an animation. This is the story you build with your mouse.


The Planet Zeroは、日産自動車の目指す、ゼロ・エミッション社会がもたらす未来について、dwarf inc.の手がけるキャラクターたちが住む星を冒険しながら学べるサイトです。
